2. If you can work your way around with the teen, opt for an older and heavier car instead that is safe and simple in all angles when the insurance agent comes in to check. Plus when you purchase it in full, you can get away with the collision and the comprehensive insurance segment since a liability insurance would suffice for such types of cars.
3. Make sure you have guided your kids to become good and responsible drivers early on. A teenager’s driving history is one of the crucial data that car insurers look at when finalizing the premium rates. If the kid was involved in minor car damages like fender stains, do not claim insurance since claims together with traffic tickets history can send the car insurance premium sky-rocketing.

4. Make your kid understand that if he or she stays a good and responsible driver, the cost of the car insurance will eventually go down over time. Encourage team work, and make your teenager a part of the family strategy in beating the hell out of high-priced car insurance policies. Most importantly, it will keep all of you safe and sound on the road.